Sunday, February 19, 2012


Sorry I have not posted here in a bit. Its been a crazy winter. Two weeks ago a few of us hit Merrick Brook in CT. With just a few fish caught the area was prestine and appeared to be loaded with with insect life. Over turning stones we found various mayflies and caddis meandering about. This area was catch & release dedicated to both wild brook & brown trout. Maybe Rhode Island should consider adopting similar policies set by CT in  effort to preserve some precious waters which may hold both wild brook and brown trout.

What do you think?


  1. When I look at Connecticut's Fisheries Management Plan I'm amazed. I always wonder what role local TU chapters played in the creation of such enlightened management. Do you think this was accomplished by taking little steps?

  2. Not sure how much of a role TU chapters in CT have played in getting TMA's in place in CT. I do know the Farmington River Anglers Association was very influential in getting the TMA on the Farmington of which is managed to increase Brown Trout Habitat
